Book Recommendations
Have you just finished a really great book and need a recommendation on what to start reading next?Check out some of the sites below to find your next awesome book!
Your Next Read Search under the children's tab and see book covers of what to read next.
Scholastic Book Wizard You can find Scholastic books by interest, book recommendations, or reading levels.
Symbaloo Book Page This symbaloo page has links to lots of author websites and book recommendations.
The Library is Full of Readers and Workers
Destiny Library Catalog

Destiny Quest can be used to:
- Browse the catalog
- Place books on hold
- Rate a book by giving it 1 to 5 stars
- Suggest a new book for the school library
- Write a review of a book
- Use MyQuest book shelves to organize and share their favorite titles
To access from home students can use their school usernames and passwords
Online Resources

Can't find the book you are looking for at our school library? Try the public library!
Washington Public Library
Scenic Regional Library